A Proprietary Managed FIX Network and Gateway for Both Sides of the Street – And Their Partners


LBX Connect is a core part of LBX Suite trading technology, enabling streamlined order routing, straightforward broker connectivity and access to over 1,600 routing destinations in more than 80 countries around the world. Available either fully integrated with your LBX implementation or as a standalone FIX normalization solution, LBX Connect offers the connectivity – and more – that banks, brokers, buy-sides and even vendors need.

LBX Connect Managed FIX Network and Gateway

Efficient Onboarding

Write once to our spec and then access all brokers and destinations on the network, allowing you to focus on differentiating, alpha-generating activities rather than non-core technology work

Beyond FIX

Because LBX Connect is a single integrated codebase, we offer a full suite of services to all FIX customers – including a web blotter and backup/DR trading platform, Reg SHO order marking, Risk/Compliance checks, SOD/EOD files, trade automation and more

Robust Normalization Logic

Support across different versions of FIX protocol, messages and tags, split messages and more

Multi-Asset Coverage

Connect to counterparties for equity, options, futures, fixed income and swaps trade execution

Easy to Use

Single sign-on access to a single connection to address all your trading needs

Powerful Visibility

Stay on top of your trading through connection monitoring and order flow monitoring

Robust Network

LBX Connect features connectivity to over 1,600 routing destinations and more than 200 brokers across 80+ countries around the world, with more added every quarter. Learn more here.

Fair and Transparent Pricing

LiquidityBook provides transparent pricing and full cost breakdowns – with no markups or added transaction costs

Request a Demo

LBX Connect offers turnkey connectivity, a backup trading system when you need it most, support for a variety of asset classes and workflows and fair, transparent pricing. Ready to learn more? Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.